232: DEAR WHITE WOMEN: The Common Enemy Is White Supremacy

You know the viral videos - the ones showing Black people, usually men, attacking unsuspecting Asian folks, usually elderly Asians. These are atrocious, awful incidents of course.  We don’t want anybody to be harmed.  AND, since we can hold two thoughts in our heads at the same time, we also need to state that these viral videos are giving us an inaccurate impression of anti-Asian hate.

For example, it turns out, according to a University of Maryland, College Park study, that most anti-Asian hate crimes are committed by white people, NOT Black people. Significantly so – more than three-quarters of offenders of anti-Asian hate crimes and incidents, from both before and during the pandemic, have been white.  

We want to have this conversation as part of our mixed-race Asian arc, focusing on what we believe should be a point of solidarity but has instead been misunderstood to be a divisive issue concerning Black and Asian Americans, with actual data as a reminder for all of us – that we need to train ourselves to pause when we see narratives that pit one historically marginalized group against another historically marginalized group, and ask ourselves if they’re true because they’re often serving simply as a distraction to change the conversation, to move it away from the “real” enemy - white supremacy.  Dismantling white supremacy is where all of us - Asians, Black folks, white folks, and more – need to keep our energy focused.

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Sara BlanchardComment
231: Schuyler Bailar, the Man Behind He/She/They

When we’re asked to do anti-bias talks at corporations, we’re sometimes asked by the different ERGs if we’re comfortable talking about LGTBQIA+ issues - and we answer with our truth, which is that we are both cisgender, heterosexual women who use she/her pronouns. Nobody in our families is LGBTQIA+. So while the skill sets to tackle bias are related, we prefer to give the floor to folks who can speak from firsthand experience and knowledge.

Enter our incredible conversation partner today - Schuyler Bailar, who many of you may know as @pinkmantaray.  We’ve been following him on Instagram, and his new book He/She/They is now on our short list of Best Books to Recommend Ever due to its practical structure and the fact that it’s full of questions he’s received about being transgender.  Just like the videos and workshops and all the work that he does, it’s accessible, not shaming; it’s factual, personal and so very meaningful. And bonus - he fits right into our multiracial Asian arc, as a mixed-race Korean and white American!

Remember, your LGBTQIA+ friends are not here to educate you; this isn’t their job. Schuyler has chosen to take on this role, so listen to this episode, read the book, watch his informative factual social media videos and make sure you’re doing the work yourself to be a better, more understanding human being! 

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Sara BlanchardComment
230: Mixed Asians and Immigration: It’s Not A Simple Story

You heard us talking with Alex Chester-Iwata the other week on the show, who is third third-generation Japanese American and was the first family member in decades to visit Japan.  So, maybe like some of you listening, she has no direct experience with immigration – your family feels like it’s “always been here” in America.  

That experience that Alex has of being mixed Asian is really different than what Misasha and Sara grew up with, as daughters of Japanese immigrant parents - we grew up visiting our parents’ extended families in Japan and feeling kind of at home in a different country.  

It got us wondering… what IS the impact of immigration on the Asian American experience?  Can we explore how the psychological impact of immigration may be a missing part of the discussion when it comes to deconstructing common stereotypes that folks have here of Asians?  And how might that impact the mixed Asians in America today?

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Sara BlanchardComment
229: Mixed Asian (Media) with Alex Chester-Iwata

Alex the Founder/CEO of Mixed Asian Media - A website and community for mixed APIs, recognized by the Nielsen Consumer Report on AAPIs. Alex received the 2023 Women of Distinction of Assembly 69th of California award and last year was one of the Asian Hustle Network’s top 50 Unsung Heros. Alex received her BA in 2021 from St. Mary’s College she graduated with honors and received the Dean’s Award for community engagement and academic excellence. Alex is a board member of ACE Next Gen's NYC Chapter and is on the Board of Directors for the American Advertising Federation LA. She is a community leader for the Lunar Collective and she is also part of the 2023 Jews of Color cohort The Workshop, she also serves on the advisory board of her alma mater St. Mary's LEAP Program, and is a member of Gold House and is part of their inaugural Journalism Accelerator Program

Alex is also an Actor. Some acting credits include Broadway’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Gillian in This Space Between Us Off Broadway’s Keen Company. TV credits include New Amsterdam, The Good Fight, and The Closer, to name a few. @AlexFChester @MixedAsianMedia

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Sara BlanchardComment
227: Reimagine Inclusion with Mita Mallick

We do this work for our kids, and for ourselves.  And when we talk about this work, there are a lot of spheres we need to change to make this world better for said kids - including schools, kitchen tables, policing and the false idea of law & order, public services, government, and the workplace. And, to focus on workplaces for a second, we always talk about how when we discuss racism, we’re talking about the SYSTEMS that run our society – but we also make it really clear that systems are made up of people, and so if we don’t take the time to do some inner work, we won’t be making changes to the systems that’ll be meaningful and sustainable.  

That’s why we love this discussion we’re about to bring you, about reimagining inclusion in the workplace.  It was really a fantastic action-oriented book that lays out practical things that you can do in the workplace to help uproot systemic racism, literally things you can start doing differently TODAY.  And you know how much we love practical action-oriented things - it sort of reminded me of our own book’s listen/learn/act framework!

Plus, we are huge fans of Mita Mallick, who if you aren’t following on LinkedIn already, you should be.  So listen in, and if you like what you hear, go on and do two things - order the book Reimagine Inclusion, and then go tell someone at work about Mita’s work so you can bring her into your organization and deepen the change!

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Sara BlanchardComment
226: Birmingham, Bending Toward Justice, And Hope, with Doug Jones and Bill Baxley

They say never meet your heroes, but we’re so glad we got to meet two of ours, as they gave us the shot of hope at the end of our conversation that we all need, considering everything that’s happening around us currently. 

To be honest, we had been looking forward to this conversation ever since David Louie (Episode 212, if you want to go back and listen) made this introduction, and it was everything we had hoped it would be. Not only because Doug Jones and Bill Baxley are legal powerhouses, but also because they were just two men, doing what they believed to be right, because perhaps they were the only ones who could have fought this fight. 

And that - the power of one, standing in your beliefs and speaking up for those who cannot - is something we should all carry with us from this conversation.

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Sara BlanchardComment
225: The Humanity Archive, with Jermaine Fowler

If you know us, you know that we love to focus on our shared humanity - in other words, the threads that bind us together, those common traits regardless of anything else, the things that make us human, after all. And so when we discovered our next guest, we felt like we found a kindred spirit - after all, his whole platform is called The Humanity Archive.
If you, as we do, believe in the power of humanity, in telling everyone’s stories, and being sure that those stories that we may not have learned in our own classes and schools growing up are being told now - especially for the sake of our children - then you’re going to want to listen to our conversation with Jermaine Fowler, read his book The Humanity Archive, and please, share your thoughts with us once you do!

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Sara BlanchardComment
224: Evergreen, with Naomi Hirahara

If someone talks to me (Sara) about summer reading, honestly, my brain first goes to fiction novels.  I love them, and I have been noticing that if they’re particularly well-written, I end up learning a whole lot about humanity.  And the book we’re highlighting for you today is just one of those phenomenal book experiences.  

We’re excited to bring to you a book set in the era just after World War II and the incarceration of Japanese Americans on American soil.  So many books talk about the experiences IN those camps, but we’ve seen very few opportunities for us to all learn about what it was like for people to return to society, to be released with very few possessions and no real home to return to.  Naomi Hirahara dives into this period of history in her books Clark and Division, which was set in 1944 Chicago, and its sequel which we’ll focus on today, Evergreen, set in postwar Los Angeles. We highly recommend both of these books - please let us know what you think!

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Sara BlanchardComment
223: Catching Up with Christine Platt

Our notes for this conversation with Christine, before we had it, were this: expect this to be a casual vibe, hilarious interaction, lighthearted fun conversation! We would say that was EXACTLY what this was, in a nutshell. 

We went into this thinking we’d probably discuss some stuff like her upcoming book(s), plans, and more. But it really was more of a conversation that was about so many other facets of life than we had planned out, and it also seemed like the perfect conversation to air this holiday week. And - if this doesn’t make you want to hear more about Rebecca and Becky in the fall, we don’t know what will!

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Sara BlanchardComment
222: The First, The Few, The Only with Deepa Purushothaman

We’re so excited to kick off our summer book club with this amazing book: The First, The Few, The Only. When we interviewed Deepa for this episode, we remember being so excited to talk to her about this book because, while we’ve talked about a lot of books written for White people to learn more about race and racism, it’s not often that we come across business books that are written specifically for women of color. In fact, women of color still seem largely invisible in many ways in the workforce - but we’re absolutely not.

So get ready to lean in (but maybe not in the way that you’re used to hearing that phrase) and reimagine what a truly inclusive workplace could and should look like, from a perspective that you may not be hearing in your own. And, if what you hear is something you’d like to dive deeper into (we hope so!), please pick up the book and read it for yourself. We’d love to hear your thoughts once you do.

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Sara BlanchardComment