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Who We Are

Sara & Misasha met 25 years ago while walking out of a racial identity discussion at Harvard… and we have basically been best friends since then.

We have a lot in common. Both of us are the oldest daughters in our families, and each one of us has a parent who is a Japanese immigrant. We have both lived abroad in Asia, we have both worked in finance, and we have both changed careers several times since our finance days. We both have two mixed-race kids, and we are both passionate about making the world better for said kids.

Luckily, we both thought that the racial identity conversation at Harvard about whether we, as half-Asian people, were half a person, or double a person, was ridiculous. Hence why we met while walking out, early, at the same time.

social justice, equal rights, civil rights, anti bias, education, diversity, empowerment
social justice, equal rights, civil rights, anti bias, education, diversity, empowerment

That said, we are also very different -- and you’ll get to hear a lot more about those differences as we navigate questions about topics that are typically treated more, shall we say, “sensitively” these days.

Misasha is married to a Black man, Sara is married to a White Canadian man. Sara is raising two girls, while Misasha is raising two boys. Misasha is a lawyer and has one of the best memories for facts and execution of logic of any person on the planet; Sara is a trained life coach, author, and conversationalist who operates more in positive psychology and well-being.

With all of our similarities and differences, our hope is to get you thinking, and talking, about things that you might not have consciously thought about before.

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What We Believe

social justice, equal rights, civil rights, anti bias, education, diversity, empowerment

We believe that the little things you do, along with the assumptions you make, have a ripple effect on those around you.

social justice, equal rights, civil rights, anti bias, education, diversity, empowerment

We believe that you get to choose whether you walk through life without purpose, or walk through life with intention and curiosity and reflection.

social justice, equal rights, civil rights, anti bias, education, diversity, empowerment

We believe that change comes from within, and we do better when we have a community who can support that change.

social justice, equal rights, civil rights, anti bias, education, diversity, empowerment

We believe that even if you don’t get it right the first time, it’s more important to grow up than to give up.

social justice, equal rights, civil rights, anti bias, education, diversity, empowerment

We believe that internal change leads to systemic change, and both are required to create a lasting difference.
